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New in 2024! IV Vitamin Therapy


New in 2024! IV Vitamin Therapy

After almost 2 years of planning and preparation, we are so excited to finally be launching our new IV Vitamin Therapy workshops at both our Sydney and Melbourne clinics. See Course Dates for when and where these courses will be happening!

Our IV Vitamin Therapy course prepares students for all aspects of IV Vitamin administration, in both home and mobile settings. Best of all, our course is all-inclusive, meaning students can learn the full IV treatment suite in two days, rather than having to break it up and pay extra for each section.

As with all AMA’s courses, there is a short pre-reading module to be completed before the workshop, then our workshop days are all practical, with models arriving for their pre-arranged appointment times and students putting their theory into practice - under our supervision, of course!

Course name: IV Vitamin Therapy

Ideal For: Doctors, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners

Cost: $4990

CPD Points: 32

Course Structure: 

Part 1: Theory Module, to be completed before the workshop

Part 2: Two-day practical; workshop, 9am – 5pm

Course Topics & Objectives:

Have a basic understanding of the background and history of IV Vitamin Therapy

Be familiar with the relevant anatomy and physiology and how IV Vitamin Therapy affects relevant functions within the body.

Be familiar with the main theories surrounding IV Vitamin administration

Be able to conduct a comprehensive patient assessment and treatment plan for your patients

Be able to confidently perform IV cannulation and use winged infusion sets for IV access

Be able to judge your patients’ suitability for IV vitamin therapy

Be confident in identifying and treating the main indications for IV Vitamin Therapy

Be able to confidently select and administerthe range oftypical IV vitamins including:

  • Vitamins (B Complexes & C)

  • Minerals & Trace elements

  • NAD

  • Antioxidants (Glutathione)

  • Amino Acids and Other Nutrients

Understand the contraindications and precautions for IV Vitamin Therapy

Be familiar with all relevant medico-legal considerations

Know how to organize scripts and products for IV Vitamins*

Know how to troubleshoot and deal with medical issues that may arise

*Students completing our course will have access to both product supply as well as scripting services, we can get you set up with this at your workshop.

Ready to get started? Enquire now!

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