Laser, IPL & Light-Based Therapies
Light therapy has been used for hundreds of years for both therapeutic and aesthetic applications, with the first lasers being developed for medical use in the 1960s.
Since the 1990’s Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) has become increasingly popular. Nowadays, there is a huge range of delivery devices available for light-based therapy, in almost every field of medicine.
Our Laser, IPL & Light-Based Therapies course covers the theory and science behind the different types of light-based therapies on the market today, as well as how to use them for a range of applications. Following completion of our course, you will feel confident understanding and using any light-based device you encounter in any clinical aesthetic setting.
As with all Aesthetic Education’s courses, there will be an online module and quiz, followed by attendance at a practical workshop, where you will practice on live models.
Course name: Laser, IPL & Light-Based Therapies
Ideal For: Doctors, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Podiatrists, Physiotherapists
Cost: $3990
CPD Points: 32
Course Structure:
Part 1: Theory module, to be completed before the workshop
Part 2: Two-day practical workshop, 9am- 5pm.
Course Topics & Objectives
Light, radiation & the electromagnetic spectrum
Principles &properties of light
Light: frequency & wavelengths
Light: energy & intensity
Skin, face & body anatomy
Applications for light therapy
Common chromophores and targets for treatment
Light delivery devices: LEDs
Light delivery devices: Lasers
Light delivery devices: Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
Other devices and common terminology
Use of light delivery devices for common aesthetic concerns, such as:
pigment reduction
vascular lesions, acne,
hair removal
acne & scarring
tattoo removal
Combining light-based therapies with other treatment modalities
Conducting a comprehensive assessment and selecting patients suitable for treatment,
Contraindications and identifying patients unsuitable for treatment.
Putting together an appropriate and responsive treatment plan
Troubleshooting & dealing with adverse events
Ready to get started? Enquire now!
Please note: this course will not be available until Semester 2, 2024. Please do get in touch anytime however, as we will be taking enrolments from early May, so you can get in early!