Sclerotherapy for Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are superficial veins that have become dilated and enlarged, usually blue and or dark purple in colour. The term usually refers to veins in the legs (although they can occur anywhere).
Traditionally, surgery has been the only treatment option for varicose veins, involving an overnight hospital stay and significant recovery time. More recently, injectable sclerotherapy has become popular as a less invasive, simpler, and more comfortable treatment option. Sclerotherapy, for the right patients, has now become the gold standard worldwide for treatment of varicose veins.
Our one-day workshop teaches practitioners everything they need to know about safely and effectively administering Sclerotherapy to their patients.
Course name: Injectable Sclerotherapy for Varicose Veins
Ideal For: Doctors, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Podiatrists, Physiotherapists
Cost: $1795
CPD Points: 16
Course Structure:
Part 1: Theory module, to be completed before the workshop
Part 2: One-day practical workshop, 9am- 5pm.
Course Topics & Objectives
Anatomy of the superficial and deep venous systems in the lower limb
Understanding normal and pathological venous function
Understanding signs and symptoms for impaired venous function
Explaining sclerotherapy to your patients and providing advice about prevention of varicose veins
Be able to conduct a comprehensive assessment and select patients suitable for treatment, including pre-treatment ultrasound imaging
Contraindications and identifying patients unsuitable for treatment.
Putting together an appropriate and responsive treatment plan
When and how to refer patients to appropriate specialists, as required.
Understand the Mechanism of Action (MOA) of different sclerosing agents
Be familiar with some of the more common agents in use today
Understand the principles of and performing a safe injecting technique
Identifying veins suitable for treatment
Injecting sclerosant so as to achieve vessel blanching
Applying and advising on post treatment compression and exercise
Evaluating results and adapting treatment plans
Troubleshooting and dealing with complications
Ready to get started? Enquire now!